THE bistronomic SPIRIT
A meeting place of excellence

It may be a detail, but it means a lot... Open to the public, 1893 is also an educational restaurant that meets an academic need. To train EHL students in the practical arts of cooking, baking, pastry-making, sommellerie and restaurant service. Teaching, transmitting, giving the keys to these practices, rituals, traditions and innovations that allow a «classic» culinary experience to be transformed into a moment of pure emotion and sensations to be savoured and shared with friends, family or colleagues.
An excellent learning experience

Every week, a new team of students (in the preparatory year of their Bachelor's degree) joins the professionals of the 1893 to learn to master the habits and customs of bistronomy from A to Z under the sharp and caring eye of the teaching masters. In the field, the learning process is varied, the rhythm is intense and the silence is golden.
Every day, the apprentices change workstations, passing in turn from wine tasting and selection to service in the dining room, from the kitchen - where they are initiated, among other things, to the cutting of vegetables and herbs, to the preparation of sauces and sabayons, to the cooking of food and the presentation of plates - to pastry-making and the preparation of desserts, until they reach your table where they will practice slicing up a roast farm chicken, crispy with juice.
As you can see, 1893 is a unique place to learn the sometimes age-old culinary skills that will accompany the students in their future professional lives.
The sublimation of nature's
finest products

Driven by the same desire to offer you a bistronomic cuisine worthy of a grand hotel while doing good for the planet, the 1893 team chooses only the best regional and seasonal products. With menus that change frequently and respect short supply chains, freshness is always on the menu.
Vegetables, fruits, leaves, pods, seeds, grains... Michel de Matteis takes particular care to use the product as a whole in order to enhance it.
« I really like cooking vegetables with their skins on. For the Moelleux de betterave, bœuf séché du Valais et perles acidulées (one of the 1893's starters), we recycle the beetroot pulp, which we dry before grinding it into a fine, colourful powder which, on the plate, is used as a very visual decorative element. »
The garden of delights

By choosing to use the entire ingredient (including peels and scraps), 1893 complies with the rules that the school has set itself since its creation in terms of respect for the environment and sustainable development. The EHL orchard and educational garden are a living example of this, where our chefs and their team can come and pick fruit, vegetables, aromatic herbs and other inspirations all year round.